
The A.Vogel/Bioforce Group in Switzerland


A.Vogel AG Switzerland

  • Was founded in 1963 in Roggwil by Alfred Vogel
  • Is an independent company whose majority stockholder is the Alfred Vogel Foundation
  • Is one of the largest manufacturers of phytotherapeutics and healthy nutrition products on the Swiss market

Business area of the A.Vogel Group

  • The holistic fusion of herbal remedies and healthy nutrition products according to the recipes and guidelines of Alfred Vogel as well as thoroughly researched information about a healthy lifestyle and healing methods

Availability of A.Vogel products

  • The herbal remedies from A.Vogel are available in Switzerland in pharmacies and at chemists; the nutrition products, supplements and medical products can be found in health food stores and supermarkets.

Verlag A.Vogel AG in Teufen (Appenzell Ausserrhoden)

  • Publishers of the monthly newspaper A.Vogel Health News ("Gesundheits-Nachrichten,", only in german) and of Alfred Vogel books

A.Vogel Gesundheitszentrum GmbH in Teufen (Appenzell Ausserrhoden)

  • Manages the health centre, the herbal remedy show garden, the A.Vogel chemist's shop and the A.Vogel museum


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