
Health Literature

A.Vogel Publishing House

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A.Vogel garden with Publishing House in Teufen AR (Switzerland)

Alfred Vogel (1902-96) wrote a whole range of books during his long life. His best-known and most successful book is The Nature Doctor. This health guide, which first appeared in 1952, is 686 pages long and has been translated into 12 languages. It has long since become a classic in naturopathy and can be found in the homes of many families all over the world.

Alfred Vogel at his desk in Teufen AR

A.Vogel’s Gesundheits-Nachrichten (Health News) which appears 11 times a year regularly reports on new and long standing forms of therapy, natural remedies, preventatives, healthy nutrition, self treatment, counselling and much more. With a distribution of around 100,000 readers, Gesundheits-Nachrichten (Health News) is one of the most popular health magazines in German speaking areas. 

Books, printed in German and French, devoted to specific health matters regularly appear at Verlag A.Vogel. Rheumatism, vein complaints, women’s and men’s health – these are only a few of the subjects in our books in “A.Vogel’s neuer Schriftenreihe” (New Writings). Browse our online bookshop and be surprised by the wide variety of subjects from A.Vogel.

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