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Videos about Alfred Vogel and the A.Vogel brand
There are numerous historic photos, speeches and films of Alfred Vogel (1902-1996) Watch three original films dating from the 1970s (in German) showing the pioneer of natural health delivering one of his many speeches, skiing and hiking.
Alfred Vogel hiking
Even at a grand old age, Alfred Vogel would go on dare-devil climbing expeditions.
About A.Vogel
A short video showing what the A.Vogel health brand stands for.
A.Vogel’s guide health and happy life
Animated video on good health and personal harmony.
Back to nature
Alfred Vogel delivering a speech (starts in English, then goes into German).
Alfred Vogel skiing
Alfred Vogel loved nature and was a passionate skier.
Alfred Vogel hiking
Even at a grand old age, Alfred Vogel would go on dare-devil climbing expeditions.
About A.Vogel
A short video showing what the A.Vogel health brand stands for.
Alfred Vogel was also an exceptionally gifted and inspiring speaker
Alfred Vogel often spoke effortlessly for two to three hours. His talks were a fascinating experience, with striking examples and accounts from his personal experiences with a wide variety of health conditions. These events were often attended by as many as 1,000 people. (This part is only available in German)