
Natural Remedies

The range of A.Vogel herbal remedies is made up of a wide palette of fresh plant products and covers all areas of a naturally healthy lifestyle.  Alfred Vogel was convinced that the causes of illness must be looked at and treated, and that it is not simply a case of getting rid of the symptoms. For A.Vogel, health and illness are part of a holistic regime. Natural remedies from fresh, organically grown plants and healthy nutrition and lifestyle are as one.

Whether for prevention or convalescence, A.Vogel natural remedies stand out due to a method of production that is as close to Nature as possible. Distinguishing features are organic cultivation in healthy soil and the use of extracts from fresh plants whenever possible.  The fresher and purer the extracts, the better and richer in content is the finished healing remedy.  This is the central principle of Alfred Vogel, the Swiss Pioneer in Natural Health (1902 – 1996).

“To deliver the highest quality fresh plant herbal remedies with the highest content of active ingredients,” – that was Alfred Vogel’s goal. A.Vogel’s natural remedies meet the company founder’s criteria completely and offer the highest possible guarantee and reliability. The characteristic brown bottles that contain the tinctures and tablets are well known all over the world. The stamp of quality that they bear confirms that the quality, effectiveness and purity of A.Vogel fresh plant natural remedies are always constant

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