
A.Vogel AG CEO receives locomotive as a farewell gesture

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After 21 years of successfully managing the company, CEO Robert Baldinger left the company at the end of November and went into his well-deserved retirement. He would however, never have dreamt of the type of “escort” he received: a locomotive with the company design of A.Vogel. When the train arrived, Robert Baldinger appeared utterly overwhelmed by this unexpected gift.

The “A.Vogel Loco” is an Appenzell Railways car, decorated with the “purple coneflower” (Latin: Echinacea purpurea), the favourite plant of the company founder Alfred Vogel (1902–1996). The purple coneflower forms the basis for the most important A.Vogel product “Echinaforce” which is produced from the fresh, flowering herb and the fresh roots of the plant.

As of now until April 2018, the striking railcar will run the route from St. Gallen to Appenzell. The A.Vogel Loco symbolises the journey that the company A.Vogel has taken under the leadership of Robert Baldinger.

Health and sensitive handling of natural resources have always been a focus of the company from the Canton of Thurgau with roots in the muncipality of Teufen, Appenzell. The new Appenzell Railways railcar also symbolises how the healthcare brand A.Vogel is in touch with nature.

As of 1 December 2016, the A.Vogel Group will be lead by 50-year-old Peter Gmünder, who is currently the company’s CMO. Together with some 500 staff worldwide, the subsidiary company Biohorma in Elburg, the Netherlands, and A.Vogel in Canada, France and Finland as well as partners in over 20 countries, Peter Gmünder is best prepared for the many challenges in the healthcare industry.

Roggwil TG/Teufen AR (Switzerland), November 30 2016

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